What confinement practices are you planning to do?

I would say rest as much as possible during confinement period, to let the wound heal well and to generate more milk supply. I was running around during 2nd child confinement due to elder one has hfmd and i need to place my newborn at my relative place. Thus, I don't get rest enough and milk supply is very little. Now i am pregnant with no.3 gynae commented that my womb has dropped very low and now i can feel the effects. Old folks told me numerous times please rest well during confinement and now i know it has the reasons behind. Thus, for the coming confinement I will do the following: - wear long sleeves and socks and avoid direct fan blow. - bathe only after 5days delivery of my baby. Wash head after 1 week, but only 3x a week. I try to minimize to touch water as much as possible. So i will not bath my newborn and will let my MIL and mom do it. - i will engage massage lady to help me to expel blood from my body and heal faster. - i will try to take more confinement food with wine and gingers so to make my body warm and healthy in future. Drink as much red dates tea as possible too.
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