It’s okay! I do that all the times too. It’s good to show some physical touch and love to your baby 💕 don’t be scared by other people judgements. They don’t matter isn’t it? Do what makes you happy! Happy mommy = healthy and happy baby
It’s fine to rub belly at the early stage, but I’m being told by a nurse not to do it around third trimester as it may turn the baby. We do want our baby to be head down position for natural birth.
All the more you should do it!! I find it very helpful to rub so people are aware that I’m pregnant and exercise more caution patience with me haha
haha, I rub the bump all day, too. It's a way to bond with/soothe bb apart from hearing your voice/listening to music.
I didn’t care what other people think. I loved being so inseparable with my baby