5 Replies

Since you have a small amount of coconut cream left, why not add them to smoothies or milkshakes? The coconut cream's taste is quite mild and a little sweet so it can add a unique richness to your homemade smoothies and milkshakes. The little fat content will beautifully compliment any berries you might add in your smoothies. Banana works well too. Here's a recipe you can try: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/coconut-strawberry-and-banana-smoothie-234783

Make pancakes! I made pancakes with coconut cream instead of milk because my future FIL is lactose intolerant. The result is fluffy and fragrant stack of pancakes! Here's the recipe I used: https://twospoons.wordpress.com/2013/02/24/soft-fluffy-coconut-cream-pancakes/

Make coconut flavored rice! Take a cup of rice and add 2.25 cups of boiling water to it. add 4-5 whole cardamoms. Cook on a medium flame with a lid. after eight minutes, add about 2-3 spoons of the coconut cream. Mix, cover and cook if necessary. Enjoy with anything!

I've tried adding small amounts into pureed soup. Such as broccoli, cauliflower and pumpkin. Also added a bit of curry powder to add some spice to the soup. Tasted quite nice!


Coconut latte, baby! dilute with a little water to make sure it isn't sickly rich!

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