Any recipe to protect us from the haze?

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Haze increases body heatiness. So make stuff to reduce heatiness. 1. Green bean soup – Helps to clear the respiratory system, and remove heatiness. 2. Chrysanthemum– The ingredient can be boiled in water to make tea, which clears heatiness. 3. Liquorice root – This ingredient can be boiled together with honeysuckle flower so as to reduce heatiness. 4. Watermelon juice – This drink reduces heatiness from the body.

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There are some indoor plants you can consider getting and also try to minimise outdoor activities. You might want to check this out:


Green bean soup and barley. But if u are pregnant, take in moderation. Chinese Yam Soup helps in building immunity and crocodile meat soup helps to strengthen the lungs

Hi, Please have lot of fresh squeezed juices, which helps in reducing the heat during haze

I think mask and drink more water that we can do because no orhers ways to stop it.

Recipe? Lol Wear mask Stay indoors No recipe

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Mask, drink more water and take vitamin c

Wear mask.

Mask up!