Double line UPT
Want to ask pregnant mommies out there. Who got upt negative at first, then recheck became positive? How many times u mommies tested it until double line and how many days the period delayed before the good news came? I'm just curious ttc lady ?

Hi. Pengalaman saya, sy buat masa hari pertama lewat period. Sy buat sebelum mandi, negatif. Lps mandi sy nk buat test tu tp sy nmpk UPT positif tp sgt kabur. Lps tu baru sy beli UPT mahal utk confirmkan. Sbb UPT mahal ni boleh detect HCG walaupun sikit. Kalau nk confirmkan boleh buat seminggu lepas lewat period. Tp sy selalu buat ms 1st day lewat sbb suhu badan tak turun. Sebab suhu badan kita akan turun mendadak (34-35 darjah) bila nk period. Kalau hari sepatutnya period, tp suhu badan tinggi (37 darjah) (bukan demam), ada kemungkinan kita hamil. (sbb tu sy berani check ms 1sy day lewat) 😁
Baca lagisy missed period sebulan lebih.. buat upt tp negatif.. then after two weeks buat upt lagi ada line samar2.. then beli byk2 upt yg murah kat watson tu. 5 hari berturut2 test.. makin lama makin terang dua line.. then hari ke6 test pakai clear blue digital tu.. sbb yg tu more accurate. then dpt result positive pregnant 5weeks.. terus pegi scan.. n mmg betul pregnant.. pastu doc rujuk kat kkia buat buku pink.. skrg dah almost 16w 😀😀
Baca lagicurrently 6 days late for my period did test 3 times, one a day when i missed my period came out negative. then second time was on my 4th day, also negative. and earlier this morning 6th day also negative. maybe will try again next week. 😌 still putting high hopes, i pray i wont get disappointed if im actually not preggy. babydust to you sis💖 goodluck
Baca lagiA day delay can check by upt. Then repeat upt until u get clear double line upt. Baby dust sis 💕
Mama OJ and Baby T