Do you think that walk a lot before deliver your baby helps to fasten the labour hour?
Do you think that walk a lot before deliver your baby helps to fasten the labour hour?
Voice your Opinion
Yes, helps a lot!
Maybe, I'm not sure

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tak menjadi utk sy yg anak first lpstu induce sbb gdm bukaan lgsg xde contraction je ada

ya membantu sangat-sangat. 38w5d baby dh nk keluar, sekarang baby dh sebulan lebih

ye.. suami selalu cakap mcm tu bila saya baring2

Super Mum

ya. .mgkn pde sstgh ibu utk mmbntu bkk kn jln

doctor pun nasihat jalan banyak seblm labour

Tak pasti sebab belum bersalin lagi

VIP Member

maybe #tapxbisou

VIP Member

Yes, helps a lot

VIP Member

Yes, 5min in LR

Super Mum

yes. i think so