do you use bottom balm or barrier cream for babies to prevent nappy rash? which one is better for their delicate skin?

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Was recommend by polyclinic doctor to use secura protective cream when my son have bad rashes in between the cream he prescribe, as it's for day and night, hence in between, i use this, and i can say it's work well for him. And it's not as thick as desitin and it's easier to clean away.

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I used bottom butter from Palmers or nappy rash cream from Himalayas. Both works equally well for my kids. In fact, i feel that if there isn't any nappy rash, please don't wven apply as the baby may be immuned to it overtime. Use only when necessary.

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I use mustela. It's thick and pastey, but it provide a good amount of protection. And a little goes a long way for mustela.

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based on my understanding, diaper cream is more of prevention. I use coconut oil to keep the area dry.

I use mustela barrier cream for Bb. so far it works for her.

8y ago

do u find mustela barrier cream is thick and not smooth enough to apply on?

Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm!!!

Am using this for my babygirl..

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I use Angel baby bottom balm.

desitin recommended by pd