Toodler talking
Do ur 2yrs 5mth child can talk very well or still learning how to talk ? Is tht called speech delay?

anak saya 2y5m dah boleh bina ayat 3 perkataan. dah pandai ulang apa org cakap & banyak tanya 😅 "ape tu ?" . maybe u should always talking with them, later they will follow u. its okay if late , slowy. btw, if your children still cannot build sentence maybe u should refer doctor before late . dlm umur mereka skrg , dorg dh boleh bina ayat dlm 2 perkataan atau 3 . contoh " adik nak susu " , " nak makan ", " nak ikut " , "ayah ne (mana) ? " .
Baca lagiIts been long time since u asking this. Is he/she okay? sometimes baby can talk early than expected because he has siblings. my son 2y5m has sister 3y so his very talkative and singing too. His sister still can't do that at his age and was suspected speech delay. But now she's okay like normal toddler who just want a same age friend(her brother) to talk to.
Baca lagiadoi.. anak I 2t5b.. sebelum ni pernah je dia cakap sometimes spontan.. mcm x yah.. x boleh.. taknak.. happy birthday to you. tapi bila ajak bercakap atau suruh cakap dia x nak.. panggil abah n mama pun x.. er err errr je hurm.. bye, wow kadang kala..
My toddler talks so much.some of them can be understand well,certain with the aliens language.i think to find out it is a delay or not,you need to jotdown how many meaningful words from your child.if you are not so sure,visit the pediatric clinic to ensure it
My child 2y5m.. very talkative sampai tak larat mummy daddy nak jawab. Alhamdulillah.. 5 to 7 w in one sentence. Mummy tgk tu, nape mcm tu? Apa dia buat mcm tu mummy.. mummy, rara lapar nak makan
my son dah boleh baca abc and start kenal abjad depan utk sesuatu benda. A-Z. conth A for airplane.. sampai z tapi belum pandai bina ayat lebih dari 2 perkataan. adakah speech delay?
Sama lah saya pon
Wouldn’t say very well in terms of clarity or pronunciation but he talks a lot ( eg: telling imaginary stories, explaining every single thing he do or see).
Talk very well, semua benda dia nak tanya, tpi since baby mmg ajak dia berborak. Mommy just bnyk berckp je dgn anak, tiap budak prkmbgn x sma.
Old post but I like to comment. If 2 years & above, 50 words our kids could not do , please refer specialist for consultation.
My son talk non-stop. 😂 Dah boleh bina 5 patah perkataan at one time. Asking so many question also 😂
first pregnancy