how to teach child talk
my boy just turn 2yrs..but he still can't talk is normal or i must do something to make he talk normally like others children..
2 Balas
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my boy also turned 2 this month, and he still can't talk properly. the KK nurse asked me to make appointment at the paed for speech delay therapy.. but in my case, my son is my 1st born, he doesn't hv any siblings, doesn't go to daycare coz im a housewife, and is a boy (apparently proven boys learns slower than girls).. but still going thru the therapy coz i wanna know if i can do something...
Baca lagiits okay , 2 orang anak saya dulu pun mcmtu . bila dah bersekolah , brkawan , ada cikgu ajar nyanyi2 kat sekolah . alhamdulillah okay .
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