Is it true grab or uber driver earn at least 5-6k after deduction of rental and petrol? Any suggestion as my husband had a stable job but he want to switch after many had say it earns well and flexible. Any real driver here to share experience too.

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I'd say that you should get your husband to try it out first, maybe on weekends or after work just to see things for himself. As with all companies, Grab had their own ambassadors too - so it's better to see things for himself for a few months before doing a definite switch. Uber is no longer operating in Singapore, so there's only Grab now - since then, there has been a lot more talk over the profitability because there are also limitations that they give. My dad is a relief taxi driver and he said that Grab was working in partnership with a taxi company and all the drivers were only allowed to accept calls from Grab and nowhere else - not sure if that's still the way it works now but it's a double-edged sword. You'd also have to have a proper estimation and forecast of finances because unlike a fixed income, driving Grab is mainly based on how much you work and what kind of calls you pick up. Make sure you don't end up with a situation where there's not enough money at home, or that your husband is always out driving that he doesn't have time for family!

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Hi just wanna share that the Grab or Uber driver may earn as such if they “REALLY “ worked hard but those were the days. Unfortunately now for instance the incentive itself is no longer like last time. Eg back then they can earn $500 minumum per week but now it has dropped to like $200 which is more than.50% loss. Alternatively if u wanna maintain that amount of target u set, u must hit freaking Long hours which personally I felt that it’s not worth it coz u will be drained out sooner or later. But remember that it’s not rainbow 🌈 Everyday. There will be thunder & rain at too😭. U may fall sick due to insufficient sleep or lack of love esp for family. Hence, in my point of view, pls try not to get your hubby to switch his career as this is also like fishing games & self employed..hope he can decide for his best esp for u guys as a family. Thanks and have a great day ahead

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Yes I have heard it pays well.. even up to 10K+... BUT only do it if he loves driving and is a good driver. Also, a stable job comes with insurance and leave... so is it worth giving up a stable job with fixed hours?? It's up to both of u to discuss. I Guess it's only really worth doing it if he really dislikes his job and wants something flexi.

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It depends on how hardworking u are. If u are hardworking, its possible.