Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Dr. JoAnn Rajah Pakar Pediatrik First Step Child Specialist Clinic

Topik: Tanya soalan tentang demam, punca demam, tip untuk elak anak sakit dan rawatan demam berkesan Demam adalah tindak balas normal badan terhadap sebarang jangkitan dan penyakit. Namun apabila anak demam, ibu ayah pasti akan rasa resah. Mengapakah demam boleh terjadi? Apakah simptom ibu bapa perlu tahu? Apakah cara betul untuk menggunakan termometer? Bilakah anak perlu berjumpa dengan doktor dan apakah tanda-tanda amaran yang ibu ayah perlu kenal pasti? Sekiranya persoalan ini bermain di minda anda, ataupun anak anda ada dalam situasi ini, ayuh ikuti Sesi Tanya Pakar kali ini. Ibu dan ayah wajib tahu segalanya mengenai demam, termasuk bagaimana untuk menghalang anak-anak jatuh sakit apabila mereka hadir ke sekolah. Tahukah anda bahawa ada beberapa jenis penyakit seperti demam, selsema mahupun batuk yang sering dijangkiti oleh anak-anak yang ke sekolah? Jom ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai penyakit ini, dan tanya segala persoalan anda kepada Dr JoAnn Rajah, Pakar Pediatrik First Step Child Specialist Clinic pada hari Jumaat, 18 Februari 2022. *NOTA : Sebarang persoalan di luar daripada topik dan tarikh yang ditetapkan mungkin tidak akan dijawab atau dipadam terus. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila kunjungi

Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Dr. JoAnn Rajah Pakar Pediatrik First Step Child Specialist Clinic
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Hi Dr.JoAnn, saya nak tanya apakah langkah awal yg perlu sy ambil bg memastikan anak tidak berjangkit selsema/batuk/dmm ketika di sekolah? Adakah pengambilan supplement perlu bg menguatkan antibodi anak?

3y ago

Hi puan. Batuk dan selsema untuk kanak-kanak dibawah umur 5 tahun memang kerap = sekali dalam setiap 1-2 bulan. Untuk tingkatkan immuniti badan, puan boleh pastikan anak makan makanan yang seimbang, mempunyai aktiviti fizikal dan tidur yang cukup dan suntikan vaksin pneumokokkal dan influenza juga amat digalakkan.

Hi Dr JoAnn Rajah Saya nak tanya, bagaimana rawatan demam, selsema batuk yang betul bagi bayi berusia 2 bulan sehingga 8 bulan? Untuk mengelakkan suhu yang tinggi dan sawan. Terima kasih doctor.

Baca lagi
3y ago

Hi puan. Untuk bayi berumur 6 bulan dan ke bawah, ubat batuk dan selsema adalah terhad dan boleh menyebabkan kesan sampingan kepada anak. Untuk golongan ini, saya sarankan untuk bawa anak untuk berjumpa dengan doktor terlebih dahulu. Untuk demam sawan pula, bukan semua kanak-kanak berisiko. Ubat demam dengan dos yang betul boleh diberikan untuk turunkan suhu badan ketika demam.

Hi Dr. JoAnn. What are the essentials we need to be prepared for when our child gets fever? And because of COVID-19 now, is it better to go to the clinic straight away or monitor first?

3y ago

Hi there. Usually for every household with children, I would encourage to keep at least a bottle of fever medicine. In view of the rising cases, in any child who is unwell, it would be good to do a seld COVID test. The test is best done on the 3rd to 5th day of feeling unwell depending on the type/brand of test kit. The reason why we should test our children is so that we can isolate them in case they test positive, to prevent the spread to other children.

Doktor, bila anak demam panas sebenarnya boleh ke tak mandikan dia dengan air sejuk? saya confuse, ada doktor cakap boleh boleh ada yg ckp kena mandi air suam saja.

3y ago

Hi puan. Bila anak demam, memang kita galakkan anak untuk mandi. Tapi suhu air tidak sepatutnya terlalu sejuk kerana anak akan mengigil. Suhu air paip biasa atau sedikit suam lebih elok.

Hi Doctor Joann, I am a single mom, what should I do if I have fever and a young child at home? Anything I can do to keep my child fever free?

3y ago

Hi there, You can give you child a bath, normal tap water temperature will do and not cold water. Besides that, keep your child well hydrated by offering lots of fluids, dress lightly and do intermittent sponging to bring the temperature down. Of course, if the fever is high, you may serve an appropriate dose of fever medicine. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent fever. Fever is a protective mechanism. It tells you that something is wrong with the body and at the same time helps to reset the body's temperature making it a suboptimal environment for germs to grow.

VIP Member

Hi dr. Can please advise if we should buy an in-ear thermometer to check temperature? Is that more accurate than the infrared one? Thanks

3y ago

Hi there. That would also depend on your child's age. For babies below 6 months, the ear temperature may not be accurate. Other than that, both ear and infrared thermometer can be used. The only thing to note that the measurement for fever ay differ depending on which device is used. Your child has a fever if he or she: Has a ear or infrared of 38 Cor higher Has an oral temperature of 37.8 C or higher Has an armpit temperature of 37.2 C or higher

Hi Dr, can you suggest the best type of covid self test for kids? My son doesn't like the nose one and is difficult with the saliva type

3y ago

Hi there. there re a wide variety of COVID tests out there for children. Best to ask your child doctor or family doctor regarding this.

Hi Doctor, I have just read that fever can cause febrile seizure in my kids! So scary! 😱 Anything we can do to prevent this??

3y ago

Hi there. Fever does not cause febrile seizure in all children, it does depend on genetics as well. It is estimated that only 1 in 25 children have febrile seizure. Although it may appear scary,most febrile seizures stops by itself and does not pose any long term complications in the child's growth or development. The management of fever would include serving fever medicine, wearing light clothings, tepid sponging or taking a bath, keeping well hydrated and of course getting lots of rest.

Hi Doc, my area is a dengue fever hotspot. Are there anyways that I can tell the difference between regular fever and dengue?

3y ago

Hi there. Unfortunately most viral diseases share the same symptoms so it can be rather tough. However, if your child has a fever which is persisting more than 3 days, it would be best to seek medical attention/test for dengue.

How to prevent my kid from falling sick? He always gets fever and mild flu from daycare at least once every 2 months

3y ago

Hi there. Falling sick once in every 1-2 months is normal for children below 5 years due to their underdeveloped immune system. Provide them with a well balanced diet, daily physical activity, sleep early, and of course vaccinations such as influenza and pneumococcal is highly recommended as these diseases have a higher complication in children.