Any time management tips for working mums?

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Good question. Personally for me, i have a routine. I would say that time management requires us to have a stable routine, needless to say discipline would be required. With a routine, my child and i roughly know what is next, which is helpful for me to plan out my hours. For instance, i know that everyday from 10am - 1pm my LO will be awake, so i will have to dedicate and give him all my attention. In between i can steal some time to go on facebook, read news or even grab a snack. At about 1pm, when he naps i will be able to have my showers, get some work done and then catch some rest. This helps me to plan my time out properly. Hope this helps.

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As a working mum, good time management skills is essential for the mummy to juggle both the family & her work well. I cook everyday for my child so I will prepare the ingredients after my child has gone to bed. So everyday after work I just need to cook the ready prepared ingredients & dinner is ready after our shower. Flexible working arrangement allow by my pro-family company also help greatly in my time management. I'm allow to work from home if I cannot complete my work in the office so I can be punctual to pick up my child at the end of the day.

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