is it nice having a close relationship with in-laws?

Do you think it's nice to be close to your in-laws? I'm not allowed to be too close to my in-laws (my husband himself doesn't allow it), he says it's to keep my mother-in-law from interfering. But honestly, she seems nice. When I see my friends who are close to their in-laws, I feel envious... while I'm always restricted, not even allowed to contact them directly. If there's anything, it has to go through my husband. But it's true that there's never been any interference in our marriage. Anyone have a similar experience? Or anyone close to their in-laws? Share your stories, I'm curious what it's like...

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It is very rare, extremely rare to have good relationship with the in-laws. Don’t completely believe what you see is a beautiful picture painted by others. You dont know if they hit it off from the beginning or had to go through alot to achieve that. I started my first year living with my in-laws thinking how nice it would be to have nice relationships with them. But 6yrs and a kid later, I am constantly thinking about moving out. That is not to say our relationship has soured to the point of no return; but I think our relationship would be alot better and less tense if we were not living together. When you are in close proximity, you can still maintain distance - physically and emotionally. But it becomes alot tougher and maybe impossible when a kid comes along. It is tough for your husband to be the middleman, so believe him when he prefers you keep a distance. It will be tough when u find yourself frustrated, negative, having to take it out on him and expecting him to do something effective.

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