Washing machine
There’s indications of how many kilos to load for washing machines. For eg 8kg. But how do you know if this amount of clothes is 8kg?

That will be a maximum amount, but really, load the machine with less items and make more washes. This way they will wash better even if a little more work.
Don’t overload ... you ll know when it’s so full you can’t even fit your hand in... the drum inside might get damaged when you overload
Think if you put a load into the washing machine n it looks pretty full alr then it means it hit the max capacity alr?
Just assume it .. leave a few inches of space until u may fill with clothes .. don’t overload id ..
Just fill until clothes is near to top. Dont overload. Dont have to be exact 8kg also
Whatever is able to fit in comfortably without having to shove anything forcefully.
So long as you dont need to use too much force to put everything in!
Use eye judgement, You will know when you've put too much clothes.
The clothes shouldn't be packed inside. Then it's too much
Dont overload otherwise the washing wont be effective