Marry or not?

So my (then) boyfriend and I had a child. But back then he didn’t want the kid and forced me into abortion. Our child is 6 months old now and never have he once visited both my son and I. But recently, he texted me and told me he wants to be responsible for us and asked me to marry him. Deep down, I would like to because I want to give my son a proper family to grow up in. But I am not sure if would ever love me as a wife. He broke up with his girlfriend in order to marry me. But he constantly tells his ex gf that he chose responsibilities over love. And they will always love each other from afar. What should I do? I am really so vexed about it. Can I marry this guy whom I love so much as a husband, but knowing that I will never have his heart? Side note , I have terrible relations with my parents. My parents locked me up at home and take my child away from me despite I am someone in my late 20s.

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Don't get married just because you want to give your child a family instead maybe you would like to consider of the negative turnout in the future and weight the damage to the both you & the child. If he is clear on not having any love left for you but just for the sake of responsibility, he still can do that as a father without you guys being married for the sake for the child. Like paying for child support, calling him to be there physically for the child when needed. I decided to become a unwed single mom when my bf thinks that I'm not being understanding to him, giving him the time to adapt to my pregnancy and kinda blame me for throwing fit when my hormones is apparently all over the place. Asking me to go for abortion if he can't have the child, threaten me suicide literally in front of me, threatening me he will fight for the custody of the child. I put in consideration that if the both of us can't be happy in a relationship, that's no point acting in front of the child & giving a false pretences that he have a wonderful family but only to know the true some day it wasn't what he thought it is. You are in no wrong if you put your happiness into consideration too. There are a lot of good example of single parent bringing up well manned kids. Believed that you can give happiness to your child too. PS: your parents have no rights to do that to you. though calling the police is not best option, you might want to call some social services hotline for help.

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