Marry or not?

So my (then) boyfriend and I had a child. But back then he didn’t want the kid and forced me into abortion. Our child is 6 months old now and never have he once visited both my son and I. But recently, he texted me and told me he wants to be responsible for us and asked me to marry him. Deep down, I would like to because I want to give my son a proper family to grow up in. But I am not sure if would ever love me as a wife. He broke up with his girlfriend in order to marry me. But he constantly tells his ex gf that he chose responsibilities over love. And they will always love each other from afar. What should I do? I am really so vexed about it. Can I marry this guy whom I love so much as a husband, but knowing that I will never have his heart? Side note , I have terrible relations with my parents. My parents locked me up at home and take my child away from me despite I am someone in my late 20s.

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No, please don't! Good that he chose responsibility over love but remember, you'll be the one who'll hurt the most because there's no happiness in your marriage. Any man who tells you to abort is an asshole! They love to donate their sperm and don't want to be responsible. Honestly being a single parent is so much better. I've been a single mum for a few yrs until I found my now husband of 15 yrs + 4 kids later. I left my abusive ex husband (domestic violence) & I never looked back and cried a tear. He wasn't a good and was not a responsible husband/father. He also told me to abort our child when I found out I was pregnant but I chose my child to live and then we married which was the dumbest thing I did. I actually told my parents at the very last minute that I do not want to marry him but bcos everyone in the family already knows I was getting married soon so I had to still go on with it. I aborted our 2nd child because I wasn't ready to have another one + he was still not responsible. Up till now, 16 yrs later, he hasn't visit my son. My son does not even know his father which is good lah for me. Don't marry just because you had a child together. Don't rush in marriage also just bcos you want a complete family. You won't have a happy marriage when your 'husband' constantly have his ex in mind. Leave him and be patient. Surely one day, there will be a man who will love both you and your child.

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