Can a preg mum drink Dom/ Yang ming jiu?

Is that recommended?

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Question here is about the Preg mum drink that can be a part of the protocol and the good diet of the better foods. There are 18 replies here that are for the people of different ages with the suitability in the betterment of the life cycle.

VIP Member

No as it contains alcohol. The above mentioned drinks are only suitable for confinement and after delivery consumption.

VIP Member

Hi... nope. It’s not advisable. Dom is for confinement mums, not pregnant mum

Nope! You can take that during confinement period not now

VIP Member

Nope, i took chicken essence to give me the extra boost.

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Not during pregnancy but after you give birth

No... they are best for during confinement

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No alcohol at all during pregnancy!!

Super Mum

Nope. Not now.. During confinement..

VIP Member

I don’t think so.