18 Balas

VIP Member

Yeay normal..i 1st & 2nd child ada morning sickness..but yg 3rd child kalini langsung takde muntah2 tu.. Yg ada hanya berselera makan dan asyik lapar😝

Normal. But for some cases sometimes the nausea might come later. Like me its come at 8 weeks.

Good for u if u r not vomiting.. coz most of preggy womans do.. just wait. Hehhe

Normal... Sya skg 24 mggu dah lgsg xda muntah atau alahan apa2...

Normal. I sampai bersalin jenis pregnant with no vomiting. 😁

Same like me...and its normal. Thanks God, no big drama🙏

yes it is. skrg dah 26 weeks still no vomiting. thank god

Thanks to god if u r no vomiting in pregnancy

yess normal ,same like me 😄

Normal. Lain org lain.

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