bands n all
would you take it seriously if you see one day your spouse decide to remove wedding band?

I will ask the reason why he did it? If it really means alot to you, you should say to ur hubby. Me & husband don’t wear the wedding band all day. We wear it only when we go out/work (even sometimes forget to wear lol 😂). And now that I pregnant, I can’t fit the wedding band at all. So I stop wearing it but husband still wearing if he go to work/go out with friend.
Read moreMarried almost 3 years both of us have not removed our wedding band . But I did removed once and my husband actually mind me not wearing it . So different person had different thinking . Some care some don’t even bother . Most important is the love is still there ...
My husband never wears it since year 1 of marriage. He grew fatter lol. We got a Cartier set for our 5th year anniversary but we end up hardly wear it. It doesn't matter as his attitude towards me are still the same.
My hubby doesn’t wear his all the time. He only wears it when going to work or on our dates. Sometimes, he even forgets. I don’t bother most of the time but if too often, I do remind him.
I stopped wearing mine bcos it cannot fit anymore 😅😅😅 my spouse only wears it to work or when heading out which is fine for me since im not wearing at all.
No, mine has been taken off as well. Both of us work in the same industry and will dirty our wedding band very easily so it's not wise to keep wearing on
Depends if he/she usually wears it or not. We both don’t wear ours cause we’re not ring people. Literally only wore it during solemnisation.
Mine doesn’t wear since he took off the night of wedding LOL If he wears it normally and suddenly take it off then I will question the change.
What’s the reason for wearing? So uncomfortable to have something there. If it bothers u u should ask otherwise just let it slide I guess
We wore it until i give birth to my number 1, after that we stop wearing as we scared the band will accidentally scratch the kids.