Delivery question

Want to check with those mummy who had delivery before, do you have to remove all your jewellery during delivery? Like your earrings, wedding band, necklace etc. Thanks.

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I've delivered twice but didn't remove any 😅 I heard the reason of that is because just in case if you need to go to emergency c-sect.

I only wore my wedding ring. Wasn't asked to remove anything, but i was asked what jewellery i had with me when i was admitted

I've not once been asked to remove my wedding ring though. alr went through birthing 4 times. only no nail polish allowed.

Yes, everything. Just in case you need to go for emergency c-sect.

Yup, the nurses/midwives will request you to remove them all. (:

yes need to remove everything including nail polish


yes need to remove everything

VIP Member

Yes...i remove jewellery..

VIP Member

Yes. Including retainers.

yes have to remove all