Is it okay not to swaddle a newborn?
Is it okay not to swaddle a newborn?
Voice your Opinion
Yes, it is fine
No, it is a must
I am not sure

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VIP Member

Not sure bout that coz my bby use the swaddle since newborn esp when shes @nicu

ikut keselesaan anak.. mak dia dulu pun tak suka dibedung jd sy fhm hehe

VIP Member

Supaya baby lebih tidur lebih nyenyak. #TAPSupermoms #TAPactiveusers

Baca lagi

Ikut keadaan... Klo pns xpyh lh bdung... Klo sjuk bru lh pkai bdung

kalau cuaca terlampau panas jgn la bedung...

Super Mum

yes.. i think its just fine.

VIP Member

Yes, it's fine


Yes its fine

it is fine
