Some naturopaths say if you give supplement too early, the body won't produce it by itself as it should. I believe in giving real food. All the vits n nutritions are there in the food we feed. I avoid chemicals as much as I can.
I used to give my children 1 tablespoon of Scott’s Cod Liver oil every night before bed. I would say that it’s quite effective. They don’t get sick easily. Maybe you can try...
My youngest one tends to get flu/cold easily. I give her sambucol black elderberry + vitamin C + zinc / immuped/ Wellkid multi-vitamin
Hi, may I know sambucol is for what age group?
I give kiddie gummie multivitamins from GNC
Biogaia, can also go see PD for advice
i gave sambucol to my girl.
Try Sambucol for kids,