20 Replies

I got mine at week 13 and 17. Was waiting till second trimester to get the vaccines. This was recommended by my obgyn. I’m currently at 26 weeks and all scans are looking good. There are studies showing that pregnant people can pass the antibodies to their babies if vaccinated while pregnant. These antibodies will stay within the baby for some time. So its a pretty clear choice for me. Protect baby, protect myself (since pregnant people are particularly vulnerable to covid) and have a peace of mind.

I am here to get some thoughts too bcz all sources are saying it is safe for pregnant women but no studies really confirmed that babies born from it are really ok. That they are growing well with zero side effects. Bcz d outbreak started end 2019. Still nee. Like for autism, cant really detect when they are babies. You know what i mean? i am concerned bcz my husbands getting frequent sinus now aft vaccinated. so im not sure. only worry is that hospitals will soon impose the new rule too.

Thanks for sharing. That’s our worry too given the changes in rules lately. Not going out to shop or eat is fine but we can’t avoid going for check ups at the hospital so there’s still risks of getting infected.

Besides all the benefits of the antibodies being passed on the the baby and how many pregnant women have taken and given birth to healthy babies, maybe consider this - which is scarier: getting covid while pregnant where many complications and deaths have been reported or getting the vaccination that may or may not affect the baby at all? It’s a gamble and I think the odds are better with vaccination.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Really appreciate it.

We decided to go for the vaccination after considering factors like the increase in communith cases and change in Government policies. Wife just took the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. Minimum side effects such as sore arm at the injection area and pure tired 😴

I am fully vaccinated way before I was pregnant.. And I am 15 weeks pregnant for my first born. Told my gynae during my 1st visit that is it safe for my baby when I am fully vaccinated, my gynae said it is safe and good that I am fully vaccinated

Just gt fully vax last weekend, at week 23 now. Baby is okay. Dilemma indeed but with the rising cases in SG, and known implications of pre term baby or death if caught covid during pregnancy, decided to take the vaccine. Trust that all will be OK.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts 😊 appreciate it

If you have concerns about vaccination, perhaps you can consider attending this free online webinar on safety of vaccination for pregnant woman conducted by our local doctors: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gyZFXmojRh695ncIKTm9Gg

Thanks so much for sharing the link.

I took my first dose last week when I’m week 30. I wasn’t keen on vaccination for fear of affecting the baby. But then, I decided to go for it after reading how antibodies can help the baby with some protection later

I’m 31wks+5. It’s really difficult. Im looking to get my vaccine after delivery . I hope all goes well.

Stay safe ya 😊

Definitely worthwhile taking it. Foetus is very active at 34weeks now.

Thanks for sharing 😊

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