Vaccination for Pregnant Woman
We are stuck with whether my wife who is 6 months pregnant should go for the vaccination. Number of factors that we are looking at: - Increasing number of Covid 19 cases in the community. - New rules concerning unvaccinated individuals are getting stricker and who knows when it will expand to hospitals. - Government moving forward with treating the virus as an endemic where we welcome international travellors and allowing our own to travel overseas. - Updated Healthcare Protocols where home recovery will become default once an individual tested positive. Any ladies took the 1st and 2nd dose and had given birth? All good for you and the baby?

hi fellow mummies. I unfortunately am currently admitted in the hospital due to covid at 37weeks. I did not take the vaccination because initially I had the same concerns as many other moms(long term effects on the baby) and when the cases starting increasing rapidly recently, I've considered going but it was alittle too late (the second dose might coincide my due date and I might be in confinement when the second dose is due) so I eventually decided not to go ahead with the vaccination in the end. while I rarely head out, I speculate that the only place I could've gotten covid was in the GP when I sat in the room for 15-20mins with a few other ppl that has symptoms. I have otherwise done my fair share of prevention and avoided going out or going to crowded places and left my mask on all the time when I'm outdoor. I can totally understand not getting vaccinated because I myself did not get vaccinated too and had my own reasons why. but just to give fellow mummies alittle warning on the covid during later pregnancy. it comes with ALOT of uncertainties. you are not sure if the covid can be cleared before your due, not sure if you can see your baby after they are born (there's a chance you won't see the baby for up to a week after delivery). there is even a chance that baby daddy will also not be able to visit the baby in the hospital nursery. you don't get to choose the hospital you deliver in. basically the entire delivery process is out of your control entirely. there are also research showing that there is a high risk of early labor for pregnant women with covid. and the risk of blood clots forming is higher as well- so I was started on DAILY injection to prevent clots. and mind you, that injection definitely feels more painful than a typical flu vaccination. not to mention the fear of how my covid infection will cause complications for the baby. anyway in short, think through your options and concerns and make an informed decision based on your own expectations. either way, I believe your choices should be respected. but just know the risks that comes along with your choice. 😊currently I'm in a room with 4 covid positive pregnant ladies... the cases is increasing and its almost unavoidable. trying to avoid it might be just testing your luck.
Read moreDear preggy mummies, just take your vaccine. Take it in the hospital would be a wiser choice. I took Pfizer instead of the others as my gynae mentioned about studies done on pregnant woman taking pfizer and reactions are not that severe compared to the other competitors. 1st dose for me were mainly left side headaches (on and off like migraine) for 3 days straight. The 2nd dose, I will say you will feel very sleepy and light headed for the first day. You might think you have fever but you don't. It's the vaccine doing it's thing. The 2nd and 3rd day you may have pain in the underarm (lymph node will be activated on the immunity aspects). It's annoying but it will fade off after 2 to 3 days. This is what happened to me in terms of side effects. By taking the vaccine, it will definitely give you a peace of mind once its done. With the strict regulations now I suggest we preggy woman should just do it and not fear as there are studies on the vaccine even benefits the child when its born. Most of the babies gets the vaccine's antibodies (based on a straits time article I got this info). I hope this helps with most of your concerns on the vaccines. I feel really awful for you preggy peeps who are covid positive. Hang in there. Please take care. My prayers are with you ladies. Stay strong!
Read moreI had my first dose at 13 weeks and second dose 18 weeks, now I’m at 24 weeks and baby is doing fine. When I was about 10-11 weeks, my husband became close contact with a positive case and the whole ordeal was traumatizing for us, it felt as if the whole world had just collapsed upon me and I was so fearful for my little one’s life, thankfully my husband was cleared and we are all okay. Hence the reason why I went for vaccination immediately after passing first trimester. I didn’t had any major side effects from the vaccination, apart from sore arms and slightly elevated temperature (36.7 degrees) from second dose. Some may think staying at home will protect you from getting COVID, even after jab I tried to stay in as much as possible, but about 1 month ago my neighbor became a positive case too, saw CISCO officer came to his place. It was quite scary to find out a positive case can be so near you despite all the efforts you made to protect yourself. The benefits definitely outweigh the side effects more so in this current situation, but it’s ultimately your choice.
Read moreThanks so much for sharing 😊 We have relatives or friends who got infected recently too hence we felt that the danger is getting closer and nearer to home even though we have not been in close contact with anyone for months. I guess when we hear more positive cases of people we know, the fear is real.
I am 27 weeks pregnant now and fully vaccinated. Took my first dose at week 21. Initially I didnt want to get vaccinated because honestly I dont feel assured enough. Who knows maybe 20 years later there will be another research which says actually there are some side effects that will affect my baby? But then the Government announced they are going to let covid patients recover at home.. This means they are going to be all around me and my exposure will increase greatly :( That was the whole turning point for me. Sadly, I felt like we werent considered enough when this decision was made. It was also a dilemma for me but the cases were increasing so rapidly and I was fearful of getting it. I had to re evaluate my risks and protect the little life in me. Hence, I decided to go ahead. 27 weeks currently and my baby is active and healthy. I hope all will be well.. it is a tough decision I know.. jiayou to all.
Read moreThanks for sharing 😊 We decided to go for the vaccination too after seeing the rising cases and change in policies.
I’m currently in Week 24 and will be taking my 2nd jab in 2 days time. Definitely not an easy decision. My gynae initially said better not to take vaccine but after the rising cases in sg and many restrictions for the unvaccinated, gynae informed me that I can proceed to take it after Week 20. Gynae recommended pfizer too. Also, the turning point for me was the death of famous malaysian singer (google siti sarah if you want more info) due to covid and she was 8th month pregnant then. The baby was saved via csect but she suffered from covid complications and passed on. She was unvaccinated. So much uncertainties, there is no ‘one best’ decision for now but we can make the better one. Both options have pros and cons. Just ensure that your gynae, husband and your stand aligned, trust all will be well. Stay safe mummies!
Read moreThanks for sharing 😊 we are so worried to see the number of positive cases rising in the community too hence we decided to go with the vaccination to reduce the risk.
I am expecting my rainbow baby. I have similar concerns regarding the vaccine as many of expecting parents do. But I decided to take it at 32 weeks after more measures were lifted and the endemic approach was announced. Back then the surge is 100 cases per day, and I had 1.5 months to go. I estimated it to reach 4K cases by my EDD in nov. Also, with my parents working as frontliners and husband going to work almost everyday too, the risk of me getting covid becomes much higher. It wasn’t an easy decision I must say. I was so stressed up that I was crying for quite a number of days. Hence, I decided to take it. Just took my 2nd jab over the weekend. Got a pretty high fever (38-39) the next day, but baby is still active. I told him we are going the vaccination and asked him to let me know if he is ok. :)
Read morecan I ask if u did the covid jab at vaccination centres or doctor's clinic? I'm wondering if doing in doctor's clinic is safer as he might be able to hear baby's heartbeat after the jab?
Taken dose 1 at week 31, dose 2 at week 35. Now at week 37+3, my side effects for both are sore arms for 3days. Finally decided to get vaccine as I know getting covid + might cause my baby to be preterm & I don’t get to pass him my antibodies. So I took advise from my Gynae and decided on having my vaccine. I have 2 more kids below 12 which can’t be vaccinated so I wanted to bf my 4th and also feed my other kids bm after my delivery next week. I wanted to be vaccinated before I give birth so I do no have to decide on weather to dump my bm when I go for vaccine after my delivery so maybe ask your wife how comfortable is she in taking the jab and then talk to your wife’s Gynae. I will definitely help you guys decide on it :) All the best ! Stay safe :D
Read moreAll the best! Hope your wife will be blessed with minimum reaction so she won’t be having a hard time. Meanwhile keep safe!
I'm 14 weeks pregnant and going to take my 1st shot next week. I was in a dilemma like you but I decided to take it as I want to be able to protect myself before I can even be able to protect my baby. Yes we might not know the long term effects of the vaccine on the baby but we do know the effects of covid on the mother and potentially the baby. Also, if you really got infected and have to be treated, you would also be taking drugs that might have long term side effects on the baby which you wouldn't know. once I started thinking in this manner, the decision for me became easy. Ultimately it's up to you but you really have to weigh the pros and cons. All the best!
Read moregreat to hear! heard that loading up on water on the day and after the vax will help with the side effects so do get your wife hydrated as much as she can 😊
Hello! Currently 24 weeks. I was initially not planning to take the vaccine until I give birth. Husband and family members also didn't want me to take it. We wfh, isolate, avoid malls, don't meet family and friends, order in (groceries included) and only head out for gynae appt and to run errands if necessary. But given the current situation and the new protocols, it looks like there's not really a choice and it's a matter of time before we get it. Mentally, it also takes a toll on us because I am so so paranoid whenever we head out. So we've decided to take it this week... Just hope that everything will be okay. Take care and stay safe!
Read moreThanks for sharing your thoughts. What you have pointed out are all that we have done too but seeing the situation now, my wife decided to go for the vaccination and she just took it yesterday 😊
Having the same issue as you. I’m in my 32 weeks, although studies show is ok for pregnant mums to get the shot, i still prefer to wait for baby to come out to get the vaccination but the new tightening rules for the unvaccinated is making me worry. I don’t even know if i still able to go for my routine check up as the clinic is in the mall. For those who keeps asking pregnant mum to get the shot, appreciate if you could respect our choice as some of us have our own reason for not getting it. For me, constantly bleeding, hence i rather not risk it.
Read moreYeah, it’s never an easy decision. Every decision should be respected. Hope that the bleeding will stop. Take care! Wishing you a smooth pregnancy! 🙂
Mommy of 1 naughty boy