cord blood
Is storage of cord blood necessary? Thinking whether to store it or nope.

I wont say it’s necessary, but it’s good to have and depends on your beliefs and financial ability. Actually, based on what I managed to find out, the most expensive package to store cord blood, tissue and lining is around $9-11k for Cordlife for 21 years. If u take $11k and divide that by 21 years, it’s about $43.65/month, around the same as or less than buying an insurance policy. So why is it said to be more expensive, other than the fact that you’re looking at the entire figure? Also, you can pay for it with CDA, whereas if buy baby insurance, confirm cannot use CDA, yet parents are willing to fork out the same or if not, more, to buy insurance for baby which also, may or may not use. However, must remember, if no money to pay for surgery, can borrow money. If no cord blood to use for surgery, borrow from who? If you’re undecided, you can read this for more info on why or why not to store:
Read moreMy husband and I decide to store it... we signed with cyroviva... for 21 years. If for whatever reasons the stem cell is needed (touch wood), it helps the baby 100 percent, parents 50 percent and future siblings/siblings 80 percent. Attached is a list of conditions which stems cells can help to treat. We signed it during a pregnancy talk with Thomson medical.
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I dont think its neccessary... cos medical tech is getting so advanced. Mayb in another few years time, anything xan be cured without even using the cord I have met 2 agents from diff company, but both failed to convince me. All they emphasize is , totally cash free becos money can deduct from baby bonus or CDA etc.. Decision is yours
Read moreYou are welcome... in fact, my hub was keen on getting it at first. However after meeting the agents , he lost faith 🤣
Sometimes it is necessary but just when anything happens then you will know. To store it, the service is very expensive. For my own, we have donated my both sons'cod blood bank to Singapore Cord Blood Bank . At least, can store there and help somebody else.
Read moreHi, that is considered donating, not storing. There’s no guarantee that you will get the cord blood when you need it.
We weren't interested at first, but last minutes (actually 2 hours before my c-sect), I decided to keep the cord blood bcos this will be my last pregnancy.
Oh... Thank u for the suggestion. :)
Would advise you to donate it. Go read up. Storing it wont guarantee you can use it in times of emergency. The possibility is extremely low.
It’s not necessary but it’s advisable.. as I stored my boy cord as well , I don’t want to use it in future but as a safe gourd can keep it ..
Ohhh, thanks for your suggestions. :)
If you end up didn’t save for yourself, you can donate instead of throw and might save some other people’s life without costing you anything.
Good idea! Thank u! :)
First one we donated to public, second one going to store under the public bank since they are they only one offering a 5 year package
U need to pay for storage of cord blood. The same money can be used for more important stuff like formula milk
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