My mil told me upfront she will never take care of my kids the moment my husband informed them we are pregnant. She didn't buy anything for my kids for full months, birthday etc and always make my kids go hungry for hours just to wait for my SIL (either she overslept or take long hours to prepare) or give in to every request of her (e.g. my girl is watching tv first and mil just switch channel because my sil want to watch other channel when we visit.) In fact, my mil treated me like a helper too but we still visit them once per month. Not because I "love" to but because of my husband and to teach my children. My husband know how badly his family treats me so he appreciate me for respecting them by loving me more. By visiting them, it avoid my husband from sandwich between his family and us which save us a lot of quarrels. To my kids, i am teaching them respect elders even when they are harsh so that when I am old and getting bad tempered they will still come back to visit me. However, I never allow my in-laws to disrespect myself or my kids. I will tell them of when they are rude and delay visitation if they continue to be mean to let them know I mean it.
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