Stemcord vs cordlife vs cyroviva, which would you choose?

Really depends. Here is how I determined who I went with. 1. The first thing is making sure the company won't shut down - so for me trust in the brand name and who the founders are is impt. - Cordlife, HQ in Sg, listed publicly - Stemcord HQ in Sg, privately held - Cyroviva, HQ in India, privately held Background of founders - Cordlife Dr. Steven Fang founded CordLife Singapore in 2001. Dr. Fang holds a Degree in Computer Engineering and an MBA in Corporate Strategy with the University Of Hull (U.K.). He also holds a Doctorate in Business Administration with The University of South Australia in the area of Dynamic Capability Management of Biotechnology Enterprises - Stemcord (3 founders) Dr Teo Cheng Peng, Chairman, was schooled in Kuala Lumpur. In recognition of his excellent academic results in the GCE ‘A’ Level Examinations and extracurricular activities, he was awarded the Public Service Commission Scholarship by the Singapore Government to study Medicine at the National University of Singapore. He graduated with Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery in 1984. Dr Ang Peng Tiam, Director, was educated at Anglo-Chinese School. In recognition of his academic and extra-curricular achievements, he was awarded the President’s scholarship in 1977 to study Medicine at the National University of Singapore. He graduated with Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery in 1982. Dr Leong See Odd, Chief Executive Officer, was educated in Raffles Institution. He went on to study Medicine at the National University of Singapore. He graduated with Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery in 1986. - Cyroviva Joint venture between Cryoviva International Pte. Ltd (75% stake and AsiaMedic Ltd, which has a 25% stake in the Company). Cryoviva International Pte. Ltd is owned by Mr. Ravi Jaipuria, Chairman of RJ Corp India, and Dr. T Chandroo, Chairman of Modern Montessori International School, Singapore Where the blood is stored (this is impt to me incase there is problem with storage, contamination and future transportation. My logic is if you own the place higher chance you won't change location vs renting - and then 2 places less risky than 1 place) - Cordlife 1 fully owned processing and storage facility. - Stemcord 2 facilities (don't know if owned or rented) - Cyroviva 1 subcontracted lab @ KKH How many success stories in SG (processed, stored and released) - Cordlife 17 - Stemcord 12 Cyroviva None to my knowledge (but only set up in 2014 in sg) Hope this helps you make up your mind.
Read moreIt seems to me that we have a cordlife supporter in here.. Just do your due diligence. I quote from a TODAY article published in 2016. "Doctors here estimate that the chance of families retrieving their privately banked cord blood for treatment is between one in 2,500 (0.04 per cent) and one in 20,000 (0.0005 per cent). Cord blood stored in the public bank has a 2.2 per cent chance of being used. Cordlife has retrieved 35 units for clients in the region, while StemCord retrieved 12. The SCBB has facilitated 191 transplants since 2006. The low rate of use for privately banked cord blood is partly because most transplant physicians do not always view the patient’s own cord blood as the best choice. Associate Professor William Hwang, SCBB’s medical director, explained: “This is because it may already carry the genetic abnormality that led to the blood or immune system failure or cancer in the first place." Read more at
Read moreCordLife as it’s the only company that can store cord blood and lining and is a listed company. Do read this for reviews: If considering to store or not, read this:
Read moreSo I chose not to do any type of banking, private or public. If I had to, I would choose Cordlife as the numbers speak for itself. Cordlife, is Singapore’s biggest private cord blood bank, it stores 168,000 cord blood units in six countries. StemCord has 38,000 units while Cryoviva has close to 2,000 units.
Read moreBetween Stemcord vs cordlife vs cyroviva, i would choose none as my sister had gone for Lifecell and being a biotech student she figured later it wasn't very helpful but a cost a huge deal for that one percent possibility.
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I did it with cordlife - did not do much research - and at that time there was only stemcord vs cordlife.
We decided to donate as 1 bag is insufficient to save your LO.
I signed up with cryoviva during one of the baby fair.
Dreaming of becoming a parent