My son is turning seven years old and he sometimes touch his penis. We tried a lot to stop this behaviour but he still does that. 

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This is relatively common right now, but you can try sitting down with him and telling him why is the action inappropriate, instead of just telling him not to do it. He will still continues a few more times but just remind him every time he does. Gradually, he will stops.

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Get the help of other family members at home to tell him.. My BIL my bro told my son in a joking way that if he continue to touch too much his penis will rot or get infected by dirty fingers.

It’s very normal. Remind him gently when it happens and don’t make it seem to him that the action is wrong. Help him understand why he shouldn’t do it but do not force it.

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Explain to him, not just stop him from doing it. If all else fails, do get the school counsellor to explain to him coz sometimes they listen to teachers more than parents(:

My boys do it all the time. I think it is perfectly normal. The best thing to do is ignore the behaviour. If you point it out too much, he will just do it more!

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Normal I guess... But you and your husband need to constantly remind him and explain to him why he shouldn't so that.

Sounds pretty normal. You just need to educate and then reinforce that this isn't acceptable in public (and why)

Think it's very normal behaviour for 7 year old. Just distract him when u see him do it?

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Tell him that only bathing and toilet time can touch. Other than that, is not allowed.