My son is 6months old and he legs is so strong that he keep kicking here and there. Sometimes he kick my boon and it hurts so badly. He is like a octopus when I change clothes or diaper for him. Is it norm for him to be like this? May I know what is a 6 months old daily routine should be? Any games I can play with him? How many naps does he need a day? Do you bring your LO out for a walk in the morning or afternoon? My LO yesterday starts waking up every 2hrs for milk. Before he will be hungry every 3hrs. I am thinking is it time to increase milk for him or because he is teething and he keep waking up? He is drinking 120ml now.

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my boy is 7 moth. since 5 months old he hv been active on kicking ard and is very playfull especially on diaper chnging. so i guess its normal. 2. 6 mo ths daily routin for me. he start his day early at 830am. wake up milk, shower and hv his own time playing in the jumperoo chnge to tummy time and educatinal toys. i practise eveey 3 hr awake take one nap. but my husb however would rather our baby to hv a routin at least wen he is 9 mo th of age. so depens. As for games. i do read to him. play peak-a-boo. dance w hkm in my carrier and of course toys suitable for 6 months. i do brg my lo for a walk one day two time. it doesnt matter if its just a walk to the shop nearby or longer walk at a park. my baby was born at 2.45kg. wen he was 6 months he was drinking 180 already. and by 3rd week we hd chnge his stage 1 to stage 2. 1st 2 wk on altenate feeding. and yes he will drink every 2hr+.

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1. Yes it's perfectly normal for them to kick around. He is discovering his mobility and he is able to gain control of him limbs. 2. 6mo are still young, i would say by then you shld be able to set a rountine of nap time and meal time. You can play peekaboo or those soft block for him to 'stack' Yes i usually bring for a morning walk. 3. It sounds like teeth. You can try increasing the milk portion to see IF he sleeps longer

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My LO also kicks non stop. Thats why i prefer using a pull up pants so it's easier

For me I bring mine out in the afternoon .. 6 months should be 3 naps