Stretch Marks
Hi. Can someone share with me the best product to help reduce the stretch marks? Thank you.

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Pakai produk deildaz serum stretchmark sis.. Sy pon pakai tu. Really work it. Untuk pencegahan awal dan stretchmark degil dia hilangkan. Teksture Pon Tak melekit. Boleh search Instagram dworng @deildaz_malaysia.
Bio oil much better sis. Saya pakai sejak kandungan umur 3 bln. Alhamdulillah, stakat ni okay, kandungan da 8 bln, xde lg stretch marks. Lg bgs apply lepas mandi 🤗
Try Minyak Kelapa Dara Info Ibu Hamil sis
U can try cocoa butter or Bio oil
try Palmer's Cocoa Butter