Direct latch
Do some mummies actlly dont store her bm because the baby can direct latch onto her ?? Just curious .. And do any mummies here actlly consume Legendairy Milk products ; switch one product to another ? Like example ; today she took the Pump Princess then tomorrow she switch to Cash Cow .

It depends on your needs and if you've been able to establish a good latch. I do mix direct latch and bottle feeding of expressed bm. It was a feeding pattern from birth as I had a difficult time establishing direct latch. If you're okay with direct latch and you're not returning to work / need another caregiver to feed, you don't have to build a stash. In terms of stashing, it's better to use the chilled bm within 1-2 days for the optimal freshness (though up to a week is fine if it's kept at the back of the fridge and milk doesn't smell or taste rancid). Some antibodies do get lost when bm is frozen. They also tend to taste different from fresh or chilled bm. It tastes soapy / metallic due to changes in the enzyme lipase in the milk. I alternated legendairy milk products when I was trying out! Personally I found a dip when i switched between some products and it's the most effective when I stick to one product. I'm using liquid gold now as it works the best for me. I do take sunflower lecithin daily to avoid clogged ducts.
Read moreI’ve been direct latching fully since day 2-3 after my supply kicked in, expect for 1-2 days when I was too unwell to hold baby due to fever from UTI. It’s possible to not store breastmilk but in event of emergency when you’re unwell and unable to feed baby for whatever reason, then it’ll be a problem. Also, some mummies face a drastic drop in supply if their menses resume unexpectedly. Hence, I still do store some breastmilk collected from letdowns with my Haakaa but I don’t pump unless I’m very engorged, which is not very often.
Read moreactually you can just latch but collect the leak milk using haakaa. build a bit stash is for emergency example if you're not feeling well or when baby go on nursing strike. I didn't consume legendary product initially wanted to but I realized natural ways to make milk fatty, make me unclog easily etc
Read moreDirect latching for me ☺️ I've never store my BM before and won't lah cause I feel like direct latching is better, much more fresher? Just my preference. I don't drink anything to boost milk supply cause mine is alr overflow and it's painful
I direct latch when we're at home and pump for LO as I need to work and she is in infant care on weekdays. I only store if I have access. I consume Legendairy products and end up my supply is lower than I never consume. So I stopped.
I do both as I am back to work and my baby is in infant care, so I will pump during weekdays and then at night he latch on while weekend will be totally on latch on.. he dun like to be bottle fed esp when I am around..
I don’t store, if not enough will supplement with fm.. taking legendairy milkapooza at the moment.. normally will finish a bottle before switching to another line of supplements..
I don't pump and store anymore and am expressively direct latching! But do plan ahead of your need to head out or go back to work, that you will need to store.
I do direct feeding and dont store my bm. My child is only 2mths old. i consume lactation brownies, loaves and drink tea supplements to boost my milk supply.
this is what i got today .. haiz .. so heartbreaking ...