Hi sister kang, It is been 2 month+ since my LO born . Not sure is it because of the condition of my body. No matter how I latch him, pump regularly , drink lots of fluid / fish soup papaya / milk maid tea. I can only produce 40 ml per side only..Is it there's no way to increase anymore since my LO is already 2 month+? I am afraid if after maternity leaves, my supply will drop even further.. Need your advice urgently . Thanks

Am not Sister Kang but willing to share my experience and hope it helps. Don't be despair on the quantity of milk produce at this point of time. U should concentrate on latching baby well to establish your milk supply. Yes, it is good to pump out after latching so as to send a signal to the brain that baby needs more milk. There is no fixed amount of breastmilk that you can pump out and my suggestion is never to compare with others. You are definitely doing the right thing of latching and pumping after that. Continue and most importantly you will have to relax cos if you are tense up your milk supply will be affected.
Read moreI feel that 40ml per side after latching is a good amount, considering that lo has fed to his/her content. I did power pumping to increase supply. I've read on forums some mummies pump in the middle of the night to increase supply too. Continue to pump and latch. Also,milk booster is kind of personal, papaya fish soup may work for others but might not for u. Go on and explore other milk boosters.. oats, avocado, salmon, durian, red date longan tea..the list goes on.. you'll eventually find one that works for you.
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Any mummies can advice also thanks