Single mum labour
Hello single mummies out there, how was your birth/ labour like? Did a family member such as mum accompany you? I don’t have a close relation with my mum, and I do feel awkward with her. I feel like going through the whole birth session alone. Is that recommended? TIA!

How can I see my husband’s text, messages, and calls on WhatsApp without using his phone? Lol 😂, what makes you think of doing this? Is your husband unfaithful with you? If yes….. Actually, it's possible to hack and see your husband's text messages and whatsapp calls without touching his phone, if you are in contact with the right expertise who knows what and how to get this done. I was also wanting to do similar thing like this before which i was trying to get all my wife's text messages, call logs, whatsapp text, video calls, voice calls also but it's not easy for me to do because I'm not good in technology, And after a lot of re-search on Google on how to do this, i came across this technical expertise called shane by name here on Quora through there email address [email protected] who helped me grant my request successful with just my wife phone number alone and no other private information where asked. And in nothing less than 4hours after contacting them, i was able to get all my wife's phone activities on my phone…. Although it cost me a fee to do this, so don't be too stringy to afford what you want at the moment. WWW.HACKERSPYVILLE.COM
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I did it all alone even though I have a husband. From the registration, admitting myself, delivery suite and going in to the ops room. (csect btw) We argued days before so I told him that he doesnt need to come as I will be resting after the ops. He said that even if he was there, he couldnt do anything. Well, there is a thing that you can do. Its called 'BEING THERE'. Idiotic I know. Nurses & Doctors will be there to help you as much as they could. They wont see ur status whether single or married. I can still vividly remember a surgeon was holding my shoulder telling me that I am doing great, when I think he saw tears rolling down my cheek midway during the ops.
Read moreI went alone , I was 18 then . was having strong braxton Hicks for the last month and I thought it was another regular day until I started bleeding and started feeling cramps , so I went down to kkh alone only to realise I was 6-7cm dilated , but when I was in the labor room I actually hoped that I had asked my close Friend or my mom to be with me even tho I feel awkward with my mom being around , but whatever that is comfortable for u ! All the best !
Read moreThanks for your words! All the best to youuu tooo!
I was 15 when I gave birth. Wasn't on talking terms with my mum but the moment I felt contractions, she's the only one that I want with me in labor room.
That is nice to hear! Hoping I would come to a conclusion of wanting her or at least someone in the labour ward with me....
I was comfort being alone during labour. But i turn out to have a emergency c sec, no one else was allowed to be in the operating theatre also.
Whatever Make u feel comfortable! Always Remember u r very strong to take up anything. So just go for it! All the best
i was 21 when i gave birth to my son .. my family were all waiting anxiously . no one was in e labour ward with me ..
If have a close friend, maybe can get your friend to accompany you to give u encouragement during labour.
Whichever that make you feel comfortable with... call some of your close friends to be there with you...
If you feel comfortable alone then do it alone. If not you can get your close friend to accompany you