Anyone kids taking NAN OPTIPRO H.A 0-6 months ?? How about this milk !!
Share experiences , thanks

Do note that HA formula are usually for babies who have cow's milk allergy, and hence cannot take regular formula - they are further broken down compared to the usual formula to minimize allergy, but it can taste bitter to some kids too. If your child does not have any allergy/sensitivity to cow's milk, do just take the normal NAN Optipro!
Read moreJena is right. If no allergy, then use the normal one. Actually every baby differs so hard to say if it’ll be good for your LO. Try out a sample before committing to the whole tin. 😊
no allergy no need waste money paying the HA premium. the normal one of Nan is ok. My kid has tried Nan HA from 1 to 3 then switch to 4 which has no more HA.
Hi. You can go to infant formula brands website to request for samples. Let your child sample the milk and monitor. Decide on the brand that your child like
I agree with some of the mummies here. I recommend speaking to your pedia first to determine if this is suitable for your baby.
My friend's kid likes it. Nutritionally, it is as good as any other formula. Try if your baby likes the taste!
I recommend checking with your pedia first also, to be sure it's suitable for your baby 😊
Have not tried But is LO allergic even? Speak with PD nan generally is a good milk
Read moreI highly recommend this brand, it's also less sweet compared to other brands(:
Do request for sample to see if your child likes it before getting them!