Infant care

Is sending baby to infant care a good idea? Currently I'm a stay home mum but I'm thinking of sending my baby to infant care soon so that I'll havr more time to rest or look for a job.

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It depends on u truly. However I'm an educator so I didn't believe in sending my baby to school this early. Chose to be a stay home mom until she is able to benefit fully from attending school. With subsidies infant care was still unaffordable for our family. So might as well not send. Also the falling sick is inevitable right and i rather care for my sick baby and then breaking routines over and over. Babies and young children need standard routines for regulation so once again i rather not disrupt that, some days send to school some days at home different schedules and styles. Not risking it. It's exhausting but it's paying off now. Baby is progressing so well, almost seven months now and fell sick once at home. But thats about it for now. Ps. Constant and consistent dependence on caregiver (us moms) breeds independence and stability holistically (mood, behaviour, milestone etc). But it comes with a price, our inability to rest and recuperate fully, or sacrificed freedom to work etc 😔 I hope everything goes well for u whatever ur decision

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2y ago

inflation is real. sure subsidies all but other costs like coming home from work and take outs everyday for a family, unhealthy and exp. taking unpaid leave when all leave, ccl, mc are used up. instances where cab rides are needed chalking up travel costs from school to work to home etc. the actual costs vs affordability. so like this barely can afford groceries, what else good resources and materials for child like books and toys, and dont even start about personal savings and paying insurance. many things to consider honestly. since im confident in raising my child on par with an atas preschool rather thank forking 3k per month or even send to pcf until k2 but ok ok curriculum, i chose this choice lor. Less luxurious life but holistic care. And more time with baby🥲

Pros: Sending to ifc they have lesson plans Baby can get used to other environment better? Cons: get sick easily u dontknow how caregiver is really handling them?(talking about recent case of course) Unfortunately i dont have a choice i earn alot more than my husband so i need to go back to work. If i can choose i will be a SAHM.. U only have this much time with ur baby.. and soon years from now he/she wont be looking for u anymore they wil have their own best friends their own 'things' If i can i will cherish any time i have with them and wait till they are at least K1/2 to go back to work in the end every mum is different.. i used to dislike kids until i have mine.. after her it changed my life and i jus want to look at her 24/7.. sound abit crazy and obsessive😅😅 But to each its own really.. Hope u can decide soon Also u have subsidies n payment of ifc can use CDA acct so i tink its nt too expensive?

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2y ago

Omg haha tell me about it.. i think my husb cant stand me now because everything is my baby n baby only.. poor men feels left out

I think u can try half day first. At least in the morn u'll have time for ur chores or do what u want for urself and baby gets to socialise with his/her peers and pick up new skills from teachers as sometimes we parents may not be so good at teaching certain skills to our kids. Get them used to being with other people and teach them independence. Easier once you really need to send for full day childcare when u get ur job. But like other mummies say, be prepared to have baby falling sick often cz it's unavoidable tt germs and viruses get transmitted v easily at tt age. Even for my boy, he only started playgrp at 1+ year old, but he was always sick at the start, (had HFMD twice within 3 months).Before tt when he was taken care of by my mom, he never had any fever before.

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2y ago

half day is a good idea thanks

I’d say it’s a good idea. I’m in the same situation as you - SAHM and I sent my boy to ifc when he was 2 months. It was getting taxing to take care of him alone in the day + pump milk. I was always falling sick. Hence the decision to send him to ifc. With extra time now, I get to rest (we aren’t fully recovered after 1-2 months postpartum), slowly look for a job. Bb also gets to learn in a structured and regulated environment at ifc too. But like other mummies mentioned, bb will fall sick more often. So do weigh the pros and cons :)

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2y ago

thanks, indeed the falling sick part is my biggest concern.

Yes it helps a lot sending your child to IFC. Despite the high cost, if there's a need to apply subsidy you may do so. There's 2 subsidies available - basic/additional. You may click on this link to view I just send my 6 months old to IFC and Ill be starting work next week. While my 5 years old in KN. It help that in between those time the kids in school, you can do chores, me time or work.

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2y ago

I hope it will not be too tough to find a role! Thanks for sharing

Hi mummy ☺️ sending to infant care sounds like a good idea to relax or slowly go back to work. But do consider that if baby tends to fall sick easily or infant care side is much more stricter eg, runny nose or slight cough cannot go sch. Then it's gonna be an issue... cause baby will be at home, n it will be a bit challenging for u to work. But u can also work Part Time for a more flexible choice!

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i sent my baby to ifc since she was 4months old. Its good cause it seems she enjoy going to school and there's routine. The cons is she gets sick easily. One month she goes to school like max 12 days. i have no choice cause we are both working no one can take care of her while we at work.

I withdraw my baby from infant cos he keep falling sick every month and im a working mum so i cant afford to use my leave and unpaid mc

Yes, it’s a great idea. The baby can learn skills at the ifc which we as parents may not be that competent to impart.