What were you most scared of while you were pregnant?
What were you most scared of while you were pregnant?
Voice your Opinion
The pain of birth
Premature birth
Birthing complications
Others (please share)

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setakat ni masih teruja dan berdebar. just fokus pada kesihatan yg baik, kelakuan yg baik, suasana yg baik dan doa yg baik2.. pengalaman pertama.

complication during pregnancy / baby and self health / miscarriage

semua pilihan diatas dan alahan teruk semasa mengandung

Berpantang menggunakan aircond ada kesan buruk atau tak

VIP Member

miscarriage... dah 2x saya keguguran.. saya fobia

complication during the pregnancy journey

Semua di atas. All of the above

miscarriage..sbb dh ade pengalaman

tkot de komplikasi semasa bersalin

VIP Member

Complication when gve the birth