"I have felt scared or panicky for no very good reason" Please select the answer that comes closest to how you have felt in the past 7 days–not just how you feel today.
"I have felt scared or panicky for no very good reason"

Please select the answer that comes closest to how you have felt in the past 7 days–not just how you feel today.
Voice your Opinion
Yes, quite a lot
Yes, sometimes
No, not much
No, not at all

1224 respon

8 Balas
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Tulis jawapan
VIP Member

Yep.. Sometimes. Since study dlu. Myne ada yg sy trauma kot. Dan still trauma. #TAPSupermoms #TAPactiveusers

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not at all.. even if it's happening to me, i will exactly know the reason why

VIP Member

No, not much. #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers

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Super Mum

no, not much

VIP Member

no..not much

VIP Member




not much