Cairan dalam otak bayi

Hi salam semua, saya dah masuk 30 weeks and baru2 ni check di KK, detected my baby punya head ada cairan sedikit which she said its near the border line. KK doc suggest I buat scan di swasta coz of the quality scanner di KK and I’ve gone to swasta utk scan lagi, and yes mmg ada air detected. I anak no 3 and first time mengalami this type of problem pada kandungan. Mintak advise sesiapa pernah berpengalaman, I’m a bit worried and sad. Harap2 cecair tu hilang when its time for labor, I due 18 Oct 2022 🥲🥹#bantusharing #ingintahu

Cairan dalam otak bayi
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if me, mmg Sy pergi swasta cpt2.. hope all ok sis.. b strong n positive.