14w pregnancy
is it safe to drink coffee? craving of latte so bad?

It depnd on your condition.. if you dont have any issue regarding it, your hb ok, then you can take it moderately.. but if tour hb is not so good, better avoid.. myself, i cannot take any caffien because whenever i take it, i would have papitation. Mu two cent 👌
sama kita..tapi my KK nurse for awhile cakap jangan minum kopi atau apa2 yang caffein..nnti result hb low walaupun tiap bulan check up hb normal.. tapi kadang2 minum jugak sbb tak leh tahan hahahah tapi bila dah habis minum rasa bersalah dekat baby lol
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drink just to fulfill your craving is okay mummy. dont drink it daily since it may coz anaemic.. last time i do craving much on Kopi o ice.. hahaha..
boleh ...saya pun mmg hantu kopi...bila plan nk pregy stop kopi dulu...nk minum boleh tp jgn kerap bahaya utk tumbesaran ...take care ya mommy 😘
hihi ok mommy,tqsm for advice😍
yes it is ok to drink moderately. but bear in mind that too much caffeinated drinks would result in low hb/anemia
noted..tq for sharing😍
can drink but in moderate qty. but im totally into kopi o kosong letak susu cair. having it all day. hahaha
hihihi.. tq for info mommy😁
yes. but do not drink it more often.
will do..tqsm😍
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