Did your husband recite azan in your baby's ear right after they were born?
Did your husband recite azan in your baby's ear right after they were born?
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Nope. Once I held my baby, I recited iqamah and surah alqadr (to avoid zina). My husband only managed to hold our babies after a few hours, so that's the time he adzan.

xmerasa utk hari pertama, dpt hari ke 3.. sbb lahir czr n bby de sikit mslh kena tahan kt nicu sblm dipindahkn ke wad biasa..


My husband has been allowed to recite azan a day after delivery because our baby admitted to SCN ward after delivery.

x..sbb covid kan,somi xleh masuk.. n ank pn msa tu ad prblem.. hari ke4 bru smpat

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esoknya suami dtng baru azan n bawak balik basuh uri. kita n baby still warded.

Czer full bius. My husband not allowed

I no muslim...

No. Deliver during MCO.

No.. Couse MCO

VIP Member

Yes 😍😘