It is really upset that coworkers do not understand my situation,and always make nasty comments. All I can do is pretend that I do not hear it,but deep down,it really hurts.

If people don't take the time to understand someone else's situation, that's plain rude and honestly, you shouldn't care about what they think. Like the other ladies have suggested, continue to do what you do well and let your work speak for itself!
Is really sad to hear that there are still people giving nasty comments and judging others without knowing the facts and pain that people went through. Please don't take those people seriously! Be yourself and stay cheerful!
That really sucks. Sometimes people forget compassion. But keep your head held high. Only you know what a superwoman you are! Don’t forget there’s a whole community of other FTWMs here to support you. 💪🏼
U just have to be strong and carry on what u are doing. Ignore what they said as those are unconstructive remarks and they were never in ur shoes so they are unable to understand what u are going through.
Dear mum, This is really saddening. I really encourage you to always be confident , positive and relaxed. Do not pay attention to all this as it is really not worth it. More power to you I say :)
I'm really shocked to hear that in today's modern world we still encounter people like that at work. I guess there's really nothing much you can do except to ignore there people. Take care!
You are your own person and not defined by what your co-workers think you are. No one can make you feel anything be it positive or negative unless you allow them to. Chin-up girl.
Hi... I understand. Find your pillar of strength among your colleagues. I’m certain you’ll be able to find one colleague that understand you.
What kind of comments do they make? Honestly, just ignore them. They are not worth getting angry over
Thank you mummies for all the encouragement and support 😭 I really need that!