21 Replies

8 Gotta work, cook, do laundry, clean the house, plan what to cook/defroze for the next day, whatsapp chat with my mummy, spend quality time with hubby while being pregnant at the same time! 🥴 thankfully, hubby washes the dishes most of the time.

8. Usually I like preparing meals for the family. but during this period, as I need to work, have meetings, look after a toddler, do housework etc etc, all happening together, it's much more tiring to cook

Tiring coz still need to do other house chore plus taking care of young baby

VIP Member

Too difficult as there is no stopping of work to ppr food

No rating due to I buy dinner back. ☺

VIP Member

My mom does the cooking so we're good(:

8. juggling WFH, HBL, omg...can die

It can be very tiring.

It can be very tiring.



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