6 Replies

I've always had bright yellow pee daily for a few times right after obimin! it's the excess vitamins and minerals your body is getting rid off. should not be an issue ☺️ but does it last throughout the day for you (like more than 2-3 times of your pee is bright yellow)? usually should be the first or second pee after you eat obimin or any multivitamins daily, the pee will be bright yellow

I think when I drink lots of water it’s less neon yellow.. mayeb just that day I realise and kinda freaked out 😅 look so fluorescent 😅

Is it only Obimin or multi-vitamins in general? I also experience the same and had to drink really PLENTY of water in order to “wash” it off.

Mine persists even till late morning

it's probably from your supplements. I've had them ever since i started on my prenatal pills, don't worry,it's very common

I’ve had bright yellow pee on and off since first trimester. Just drink more water and they will be abit diluted

Yes! I’ve got that too! It’s the multi-vitamins and your body getting rid of the excess!:)

Yes it is normal if you’re on Obimin. I had the same issue.

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