Do you use any specific skincare brands during your pregnancy?
Do you use any specific skincare brands during your pregnancy?
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Yes, (please comment what brands and why)
No, I don't use any

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kulit jnis sensitif so mmg dh siap2 standby dr zaman student lg bahan apa yg patut elak dlm skincare

Super Mum

Mary kay skincare... Safe for my skin, my health n my baby.. #TAPSupermoms

i use hada labo for hydration.. coz my skin feel dry since my pregnancy

I use products from Simple only because its free from harsh chemicals


guna yg biasa guna je. Ubat gigi je saya tukar yg berangin2 banyak

Whitening Glow skincare ( Organic product ) good for healthy.

Yes, Bio essence. Because my face is breakout.

just using wardah toner for daily use

Charms cosmetics and skincares 😊

youth by shaklee..beyond organic