Choroid Plexus Cyst
Do Any Preggy Mom Experiance Any Choroid Plexus Cyst? Pls Share
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I do experience hvg cyst (not sure what type of cyst) during my 2nd pregnncy...but finally it shrink bfore i gv birth..dun worry as u follow doct advc..
When scan 4 weeks.. Doc detect i have 3 cyst & 2 fibroid.. Now 21 weeks.. Cyst already gone.. But still hv fibroid only..
Hi, nak tanya.. sis ada experience ke baby ada choroid plexus cyst?
Saya tengah hadapinya sekrang ni. Tunggu 22w ni scan semula. Sekarang baru 16w
sy ada fibroid..sama2 mbesar dgn bby
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Did you experience it with your bb
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sabar ya sis..
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