Pls I need all mummies who has used epidural to tell me the truth if after administering:- Q1) Will the labour or contraction pains become totally pain-free or minimum pain is involved? Q2) And how many epidurals can a patient ask for? Any minimum or maximum dosage can be used? Q3) How long does this epidural effect last? Until full delivery is over? Q4) Is administering of epidural injection painful too? Q5) Does this epidural help the dilation and vaginal tear pain-free too? Since young my pain threshold is extremely low. Now I am finally pregnant I am supposed to be happy but I am very sad, often cry because I am afraid of the labour or contractions pain. This is no good and not healthy for me and baby. I am only 3 mths+ pregnant but I swear really everyday, every single second I have been tormented by these labour pains until I cannot sleep at all in the night. I forced myself to sleep at 12am plus but I kept waking up every time naturally at 2am and stay awake till morning thinking of the pains! If I am so scared, should I do C-sect with epidural or normal delivery with epidural? Even while fully awake during day or night I also kept thinking of the scary labour pains. Nothing I do lessen my fears and worries. When I eat, shower, watch tv etc, these fears just followed me back at my mind. I just cannot shake them away. I think i need to see a psychiatrist for help now. I shared my serious concerns to my spouse but he told me don't be afraid only. I know he is very supportive but it doesn't help me at all. I really need desperate help from you mummies!

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I went through c sect with epidural so I didn't experience labor pain. Just to answer a few, there is absolutely no pain during administering of epidural, the effect is almost instant. I went through c sect without any pain, but once it wears off and drips removed 24 hours later, I felt as if a train ran over me. However, in a few hours time I was able to get off bed by myself and walk, I even showered. I myself was the same as you, low threshold of pain, but when I think of my baby, that gave me strength.

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9y ago

Hi I am the writer of the post. Is the pain you mentioned "like a train ran over you" in Excruciating Pain??? Did any painkillers help to reduce or numb the wound pain???? How long did you get out of bed to move around????

Q1) yes it's totally pain free. Q2) it's 1 to sustain till delivery. Q3) I can't recall but what I remember was that when the pain comes i continued to press a button. Q4) not painful at all as they numb the area. Q5) dilation comes naturally not affecting dilation. Not sure about vaginal tear as mine was c section. Don't worry mummy everything will go smoothly. Do more walking. Stress will affect baby and mummy try to divert attention.

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9y ago

When the epidural is in u won't feel the pain only when is effect is gone than u will feel the pain. But don't worry too much else u will feel Uneasy and stressed which will affect u and baby. Try to relax. If I were u don't watch the giving birth video which will make you more tense. Try to relax and enjoy motherhood. Once baby born u will feel very relieved.

For me. I don't really agree using epidural. Because is not good for us. I didn't use epidural. Was in a big pain at 3.30am and take the thigh jab. Stop pain till 5.30am. The big pain came back again. I keep using the laughing gas. It's work for me. Just don't take out. When pain Kee breathe it. And my little boy can come out at 7.45am. Give birth at 8am

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VIP Member

I took epidural. After administering it was zero pain. Even the injection and pushing out baby was painless. However I did have a slight negative side effect, in which my blood pressure dropped and I was light headed and nearly passed out. So do monitor your blood pressure and stop the dosage if you feel light headed. Do make sure to tell the nurse too.

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9y ago

Hi I am the writer of this post. I would like to check:- Q1) After epidural was used, the entire contraction pains up till actual baby delivery is 100% PAINLESS ????? Q2) ANY SLIGHTEST PAIN felt when pushing baby out of cervix and vagina if epidural is used???? Q3) And does the cutting & stitching of vagina hurt??? Any epidural is also used to fully numb the private part???

VIP Member

It actually depends on the dosage amount given. If given high amount, u will totally feel no pain at all and your thighs will be completely numb. If dosage amount is not strong, u will feel mild contraction pain and pooping feeling when the baby drops down to your pelvis and about to deliver.

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After epidural, I remembered no more contractions pain and I didn't even know the doc has stitched and finished stitching.

Super Mum

After epidural I don’t feel pain but only pressure that the baby is coming out

And most heartening is you can finally see your baby :)

Epidural is painless. Did not even feel like ant bite.

9y ago

Hi I am the writer of this post. When is epidural used??? During observation Ward while waiting for dilation???? And I would like to know if dilation is very painful too??? Or it doesn't hurt??