Pinoy moms and dads, I know many parents create Facebook accounts for their kids (as easly as a year old). What's your say about this?

I agree! Creating a Facebook account for your kids should be a big no-no -- for their privacy and safety. I understand how parents want to share every moment of their children's lives, but instead of doing so on Facebook, wouldn't it still be better to go old school and put them in photo albums? Nothing beats the classics! That way, they could show them to family and friends who visit -- people who genuinely care and pose less of a threat to your kids' safety later on.
Magbasa paI do not suggest it since I find no purpose in it. I would also like to protect the identity of my son and would like to keep only 1 account (mine) for better monitoring. Maybe when he gets older around 12 years old, that's the time I would permit him to create one. :)
Definitely too early. I found this app though called First Smile. I'm still exploring it but it seems like a good avenue for parents who want to share pictures of their kids since there are separate areas where you post pics publicly and for your friends and family only :)
It's silly at best and dangerous at worst. Plus, your child probably won't appreciate having his/her baby photos out there for the whole world to see when he/she gets old. Remember: once something is uploaded onto the internet, it stays there.
Creating a Facebook account for kids isn't really advisable, even if all the posts are set to private. I'd like him to make his own when he's able to. Things like this are completely uncalled for, in my opinion.
I dun create for my daughter age 8 ... a fee of her classmate have an account but too bad although I have FB but I dun feel safe creating one of her ... she is only 8 there are lots of thing can keep her fun why FB
Completely ridiculous. It doesn't serve a purpose, really. What does a child need a Facebook account for? That just makes it easier for abusers and pedophiles to look for kids to victimize.
Personally, I do not see the need for it. I upload my baby's photos on my account and actually filter it to family and close friends only as there are a lot of abusers out there.
I think it is just fine actually. Even celebrities do this. It is one way para matrack yung mga whereabouts and milestones of your child so i dont see anything wrong with it.
I agree with Jared. I find it really unnecessary. I used to have an account for our pet cat, and my friends would always tease me about it. LOL