Pinoy dads and moms, how much cash tip do you usually give to your toddler's barber?

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I'm sure your child's haircuts aren't too expensive, so I'd say maybe around 20 to 50 pesos? I guess it just depends on the cost of the haircut. Though, I've never tipped more than 20 to 50 unless they did a fantastic job.

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Usually, I give 20 pesos as a tip. Though, if the barber is really nice, friendly and accommodating, I sometimes give 40 pesos, just because he went the extra mile for good service.

I usually give P30-50 at Cuts for Tots if I liked how the haircut was done. It it's just so-so, I give P20. I don't follow any percentage when giving tips. :)

A good rule of the thumb to follow when it comes to tipping is the 20% rule. So if the haircut costs 100 pesos, tip the barber 20 pesos.

Plus five to ten percent at least of the total amount. And a big thank you for all the patience and hard work.

I will not surely go to a barber because I don't have a son. But my husband gives 20 peso tip to his barber.

I give 20 pesos as tip.