Is it okay to have pets in the house with a newborn?
Is it okay to have pets in the house with a newborn?
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yes but need to clean/sanitize often. they pee and poop later come into the house with the germs. then have to brush regularly also the fur stick everywhere. so need extra effort for those who want to have pet. should complete and up to date vaccine, stray cat that i give food just died because of parvo virus (now is the season in my area according to the vet) and sporo cat can infect human so be careful guys.

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Ok ja...dri kecik smpai besar mak bela kucing..kmi smua sihat xdak alah. Sya mgndung pon ada bela kucing.

x sure.. tpi kucing sy dah hilang dekat seminggu lebih dah :( #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers

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yes. ok je tp xleh mainkan sngt anak ngan pet. kucing pun faham ada baby dia lorat2 je..hha

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Kurang sesuai, sebab bulu2 binatang tidak baik rasanya lah

That a big NO kna jga kebersihan

We have 2 cats at home

Super Mum di luar rumah

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For me..nope..