One pet peeve of your husband that you can't stand?
Shaking his legs? Not putting things back in its original place? Comment below the one pet peeve of your hubby you can't stand ?

Loves to waste time in whatever he do. I love to plan ahead whatever i want to do throughout the day(except for unexpected emergancy) because i want to have more 'us' time. But he'll just spoil everytg . Other then that...he does everytg for me so.... i techincally can't complain much about him being dilly dallyđ
Read moreI asked my wife and she said can't think of any as I am particular in cleanliness, hygiene, do all the household chores, market, doesn't shake legs, polish her shoes and mine. âș I told her I 'nag'. She is absent-minded often forget this and that. đ
Laziness: Wakes up way post lunchtime, wonât budge to help if nobody asks, does half past six effort in solving issues instead of fixing issues the right way, hardly lift a finger to help but still want to give walking commentary
Poor personal hygiene e.g urine drip onto toilet bowl but never clean, donât flip down toilet seat after using, shaving/ trimming his moustache onto basin and never clean off
Dig nose nvr wash hands, after toilet nvr wash hands, sometimes after finish business forgot to flush... đŁ
Playing computer till 2am, not putting things where it should be and constant change of keto habits!
being defensive even when he is in the wrong. đ (is that being egoistic?)
Throw things around and donât return them to original spot. đ
The...'ok I will do' and then an hour later still not done
Messy but will clean his room once a month...